Starting a business in Holland
If you’re interested in starting a business in Holland we can help you setup your business within 5 – 10 working days. You are able to open your business on distance. All your company needs is a registered office and a Dutch company bank. Most business owners also prefer to have a Dutch VAT number. The Dike international company has a lot of experience in setting up Dutch companies for foreign entrepreneurs.
We provide in different services such as;
– Opening a Dutch BV company within 5-10 working days price; 950,-
– Opening of a Dutch Company bank account price; 695,-
– Obtaining a social security number (the director of the company will need a social security number for opening a Dutch bank account) price; 145,-
– Obtaining of a VAT number price; 295,-
– Registered office in the Netherlands price; 1.080,- a year ( 90,- a month)
-Continuous personal assistance (including assistance in opening a bank account and the obtaining of a social security number for the director of the company) price; 1.100,-
Also we offer attractive package deals at Dike international. For example, if you choose to have all the services we’ve mentioned above, your costs are only 2.950,- a year. For more information or questions please contact us.